Tribunol CL

A very aging-resistant machine oil with very good cold and warm behavior. Tribunol CL machine oil has high chemical stability and protects against corrosion. Due to the lack of resin tendency, it is also suitable for the lubrication of rolling and plain bearings and does not attack metals or standard seals. Tribunol machine oil can also be used as circulating or hydraulic oil.

ISO VG 100
ISO VG 150
ISO VG 220

Recommended and tested where the following specifications and filling instructions are required:

DIN 51517 Teil 2
DIN 51517 Teil II Kategorie CL
DIN 51524 Teil I Kategorie HL
DIN 51501 Kennzeichnung L-AN

Tributech GmbH
Windhauser Weg 2
D-41366 Schwalmtal


Deutsch    Englisch